Plus size traveler specific posts and resources live here!
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Plus Size Travel Packing Tips
Packing the perfect carry-on is challenging for everyone, but plus size travel packing is extra tricky: since our clothes are bigger, we can't pack as many options as smaller people!. Most experienced travelers beieve
On Loving A Body You Don’t Always Like
It's January, which means it's peak diet advertisement time. My feeds are awash in ads entreating me to tone this, tighten that, blast the fat away, become a new (smaller) (better) me. There's an
Plus Size Travel Resources
When I started travelling, I spent a lot of time googling the answers to question plus size travelers often ask and compiling resources so I could make good travel decisions. I thought it would
5 Ways To Be an Awesome Ally to Plus-Size Travelers
Recently, I posted a short social media status about how to make fat people feel more comfortable on airplanes. It was inspired by a recent experience of flying the unfriendly skies, when a